Saturday, July 31, 2010

a family affair

A few pictures from when the in-laws were visiting. And the coolest 4 year old on the planet.

a little climb....a longer wait

As we are trying to decide a climb, in the vast array of climbs at lovers leap, we chose one that only had a single group of 2 on it. Sometimes mistakes come in small packages. The group may have been men, who may have been slightly um..heavy, and they may not have been very (how to put this politically) strong climbers. So, as a following group, hell bent on maintaining some ethics in California, we waited. And waited. And waited. Then just for good measure we waited just a moment longer.

This is the result of boredom…

Other than the wait that left us stranded a mere 160 ft off the ground, the climb was awesome. And I even got to lead a pitch!

Preparation H. 5.8 415ft
July 30, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

the trouble with travel

is we are simply too busy to blog.

But, this is what rest days are for. I'm finding it difficult to remember all of the things we do and funny stories I have to share, when I get the chance to share them.

But here are a few things.

--I've started placing trad gear. (i need a legend) Trad: traditional gear that you set into the rock, and then remove from the rock. scary as hell, but fun.

--Kaleb split his hand open with a blunt object, we went to the hospital, and because we are gangsters we took the stitches out ourselves

--we discovered we loved levenworth...and then quickly left levenworth

--we stopped in portland and visited my sisters. hung out with the cutest twins in the universe, and went to an awesome concert with cam and erik (snake farm)

--we introduced bear to the ocean...he seemed to like it.

--we are now in tahoe. and we love tahoe more than levenworth. Our besties mike, beverlee and ben came to visit, and because we were too busy having fun we didn't take ONE SINGLE PICTURE!

--then kalebs family came to visit us, and we've had a great time with them.

I'm sure there is more. interesting and wonderful anecdotes that would make you all laugh. but alas i can not remember them while the little angel is watching some heinous educational television.