Tuesday, July 10, 2012

to zion with my girlfriends

well, hello again. long time eh? that is ok, good things are worth waiting for. although, whether this blog is a good thing, or this post is worth waiting for, i'm not sure.

i just returned from a week long vacation with my girlfriends. just my girlfriends. now, not to sound like a 50's housewife, but i have never gone on a trip without kaleb. sure we've been separated, while he worked in alaska i was here, and he's left for weeks and weekends to climb routes that are out of my range...and there's always that occasional quibble that leads to nights spent at the parents house (omg! we are an interwebbualar couple that is not perfect). but, never have i left him, and never for seven days in a row. well girls, mama's spreading her wings.

my girlfriends kristen and adrienne have parents who have a house in zion. since i've been friends with these two gorgeous and amazing girls for my whole life, they invite me along, they also invite a gaggle of our other friends, so zion turns into quite a party.

when kaleb and i go together things are very serious. kaleb studies the climbing zion book, and marks every climb he may potentially want to do ever. we wake up early and climb throughout the day. the evenings are spent laughing, with small amounts of drinking, but the climbing is on.

that is not what happened this week.

we started the week out with good intentions, waking early and running 5 miles through cougar invested forest, then doing yoga on the deck in the sunlight. then we painted our nails, then we poured cocktails. to begin drinking at 11am and continuing until the wee hours of the morning is totally acceptable vacation behavior, and it turns out we are really good at it. so that is basically how the week went, wake, run, small bits of exercise, and then cocktails. we did venture out a bit. we went hiking in the park, and to a beautiful alpine lake, we even found a shoe tree. but, for the most part, our eco-friendly cups were filled with vodka tonics, and we required a dd.

late nights, early morning, and copious amount of alcohol kinda took a toll there in the end.
7 days, 4 bottles of vodka, and 5 pounds later, i came home. i think i could live with those girls forever, laughing and being totally inappropriate. my liver on the other hand is glad that i'm back to drinking water.