Sunday, June 27, 2010

as of late...

we have made it back to a place in which I have electricity (and internet), so I thought I would update you all.

We've gone from coure d' alene to levenworth, and simply fell in love with levenworth, all except the actual town, (germany?), and have been here ever since. The climbing is beyond compare, and the people we keep meeting are...well....interesting.

We had to take a day for laundry, but other than that we've been climbing everything we touch.

but, for all of you that we feel oh-so-guilty about because we're having too much fun. we've had some trials.

first we discovered mice.
then caught 3 of them!
bear has a tick in his ear.
we fixed two leaks
and rotated the tires.

see not every moment is fun.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

sometimes it rains.....a blog from 6/17/10

Well… is officially the longest we have ever gone without climbing, and this is our climbing trip, strange.

But we woke up, and it looked like this outside.

that is supposed to be rain.

So, we went on a very long bike to look for a lake. But we went the wrong direction (a pattern?) and didn’t find it.

As it turns out, you can have a lot of fun in the rain, you just can’t climb.


Hello from the laundress in Levenworth, Germany (or at least they are pretending that it's Germany)

We have gone from Mccall, Id, to Coure d' alene, Id, and now we are enjoying the most amazing granite climbs in Levenworth. This is the strangest little town, a bavarian town, in which everyone dresses like it is old timey germany.

It's pretty cheesy.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

We finally made it somewhere

After a map fiasco, a road so steep it makes power mountain road look like a preschool, and a few tears, we have arrived in the sort of place we were looking for.

It did not come to us easily. I bought a map, it was not the "right" map (going rouge as my husband said) so, the directions to here were a bit unclear. I don't have one of those god phones. So, the unnamed right he took, was not the right right. And then we hit a hill. A very long, very steep, very curvy, hill. And while on said hill, he said "you had better hope this is the right way, because we will die coming down"


It was not the right way. We dead ended at a ski resort. After a volunteer walking down, a crinkled map, and a few more tears. K, with his amazing driving skills, got us down that road. Then, whilst going up the correct road, the overdrive light started flashing.


Another stop, more yelling, more tears, and a call to the mechanic, we figured it out.

And found this….

Better yet, it was illegal

Then, whist driving up the correct road, and through a town call Smith's Ferry (I want to live there) We found a spot where we will live, for a couple days anyway.

Pretty, no?

Monday, June 14, 2010

we opened the champagne

We've arrived in a little town that I've already forgotten the name of. But, there is a river, and trees, and large grassy fields.

and it is perfect.

I must start remembering my camera. The picture of our beach cruisers down by the river during sunset could have been on a post card. But, for some reason, I keep forgetting.

We finally opened that bottle of champagne (thanks reeves'!) As we finally feel the pressure is off, and we are officially on vacation.

K and I keep saying how we can't believe this is actually happening. One of those things, you talk about it for so long, and yet nothing ever comes of it.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

the internet connection is too slow for pictures post

Good morning from Twin Falls.

We are enjoying a nice cup of French pressed coffee, nestled in between two gigantic motor-homes, in the lovely KOA.

We are the youngest people here.

4 weeks late, and thousands in the hole, we are finally living the dream.

We officially pulled away from Utah yesterday afternoon, in the middle of a storm....come hell or high water sort of thing. The truck that has caused so much heartache in the last few weeks, pulled like a dream, and all that living in my mother-in-laws yard was nice practice for the real thing.

We are slowly discovering things that we need to learn, such as: living in a KOA is more than rent in Ogden. Bear enjoys early (early) morning walks through the neighborhood. And I need to get use to beer that has alcohol in it.

But, everything is going smoothly thus far, and I'm still in shock it is actually happening.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

is it really june?

Well, it is official. We are out of the house. And if anything at all would begin to go right, we will also be out of town. But alas, these things take time, and it seems there is a pattern of everything going wrong.

This week (or next week) we will be on the road. Our little camper is working out well for us thus far. But, it is parked in my mother in laws horse field. So things feel a bit up in the air. Other than that....

However, this is not the place to have a tantrum. So, I will leave it at that. A few small set backs (all piled on top of one another) and as they get worked out, we get closer to leaving. Hopefully before the summer runs out.
