Friday, August 20, 2010


ok. technically a town outside of yosemite called lee vinning. But still, in the region. Plus, yosemite is crowded at the campground. Anyway. this was only shortly after I hurt my leg, so climbing was officially out. by dr's orders. So we only did one. a quick little 5.6 that was only 7 pitches, with one little section of chimney and one little section of offwidth.

my leg still hurts, and I can't seem to figure out why??

then we toured yosemite park on our beach cruisers. and went up to the base of el cap, touched it actually. Can I just tell you, that cliff is MASSIVE. it goes forever. and you just look at it, and can't even begin to imagine climbing it. it is way way out of my league. But then kalebs bike got a flat tire, and we had to walk back into the chaos that is a national park, and then we left.

Now we are in bishop ca, the place where chris sharma practices. it is pretty amazing. But after two months of trad climbing, my sport technique it a little off. So I had some issues. and my fingers are totally destroyed right now. (your welcome for typing, it is painful)

We met a couple of weird climbing people today. A boy and a girl. but not a couple? she called kaleb my boyfriend. I decided I liked the sound of that, so he is now my boyfriend (you know less permanent) They were some strange people. I think we may climb again with them tomorrow. It is nice having someone to talk to, and later about. Kaleb thinks they may end up being serial killers, who just wait for hippie climbers on road trips to kill. I'm ok with that, as long as there is someone to talk to. he also (from behind my shoulder) says that he doesn't want to talk to me either, and will also take his chances.

that is pretty much all that is all with us.

Oh wait no, so we drove all the way here from lee vinning, and went up a really long dirt road, and found a camping spot beside a river. then we went to the supermarket. and when we came back we found a ticket on the trailer step that said, "if you are here tonight there will be a $150 fine" from park services. Well, that sent kaleb into a bit of a tissy fit. and as I was re-packing the trailer to re-move our selves. he was stomping around outside yelling about the man and how the man is the reason this world is...hmm...fuckedup... and at one point, to prove his point of the nonsense reason for park rangers, he tried to dump our garbage. a move rendered totally anticlimactic as only one lone beer can fell out.

laughing was the only option.

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