Saturday, May 7, 2011

i am a silly girl

on one of the few and far between friday's i have off. my main man and i went to city of rocks.
i may have written one or twice my true affection for that tiny valley, amidst the arid desert of idaho.
......i'm getting sidetracked.
so as k packed, organized, and put together every ounce of what we would need. i sat, looking through photos, daydreaming, and doing nothing in particular.
when we arrived at the most beautiful of cracks, all by our very own selves. i searched my climbing bag, and oh me, oh my, i had forgotten my climbing shoes!
a travesty if i've ever seen one.
(lookat all that pink. i am truly not as girlie as my climbing garb seems to indicate.)

so, i belayed.
and watched.
and wished i could climb.
i will chalk it up to karma.
i did not help.
i did not climb.
so, i left my mr. there with our friends, and came home alone. i could not find a partner here either.
and tonight, will be my very first night alone in the new house.
i must admit, i am a little nervous, it's been a very long time since i was all alone.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

indian creek birthday

we went back to the desert.
my heart bursts open.

indian creek is heaven.
and better still, we had the place to ourselves.
incredible hand crack

need i say more?

these climbs are crack climbs. they are perfect.
i am lost for words.

with sore hands, and the classics behind us
we found an old homestead, or movie set,
we couldn't decide which.
the sign demandith we stay out

we simply had to go in.

the years of rain, wind, and cows have been cruel, but what held up, held up well.
as we explored we knew one thing for certain. there was once a windmill.
some days we are fine detectives.
while the earth dried, and reclaimed what was once there, i was so happy, i couldn't help but pirouette back to the truck.

my birthday. 26. officially. what a concept. what a trip. it seems i was a better climber at 25, i know that one day made a difference. but, after dinner and drinks we felt the urge to do some night climbing.
this was my first time.
climbing by headlamp and feel, very few senses in working order.
seeing only a few feet ahead.

i managed quite well.

on our last, and final day, k decided that a huge off-width in arches was in order. so, we climbed the three penguins. after a massive struggle (as most off-widths are) some frustrated swearing, and a couple of tears, k finally threw me down the rope.
how he managed to climb it, i will never know.

we summitted! and though we were covered in rock-rash (a condition much like road-rash) we were happy.

and of course tree pose was in order

that's right folks, that was us you saw lounging so casually atop that penguin head. while the climb was difficult, there is something special about being on top of something where the only way up, is to climb.

happy birthday to me.