Wednesday, September 29, 2010

sassy girl

after 10 years, 4 states, 9 houses, two puppies, and a whole lotta love, sassy died.
she was found in the 7-11 parking lot my junior year of high school, i immediately fell in love with the fur bundle with a black tongue, and she rode home under my feet as i drove.
she came with me to college and spent many evenings on walks around portland whilst i talked.
she waited at the bottom of climbing crags, unless she could find her way to the top. even climbing one if the mood hit.
she would snow ski, ride in row boats, swim in even freezing rivers, and steal little girls sandwiches. all while holding a ball in her mouth.

you will be missed my sweet puppy.


  1. oh no I am sorry bon. Was she just old? Hugs.

  2. Sorry honey. She did get to enjoy her last months spending every day with you on your great outdoor adventure. Love you.

  3. i'm crying. thank you.

    miss you sassy
