Saturday, October 2, 2010

lets just take a moment and talk

...about garbage

As of late, what with the traveling, and the living outside, I've noticed an exorbitant amount of GARBAGE!
Mostly in places where hillbillies and young asses roam. Beer cans, cigarette butts, toilet paper, broken glass, paper plates, broken t.v's, and even a large box of laundry detergent. I would like to give a shout out to those who leave all of this loveliness for the rest of us to enjoy. Thank you. You make me realize that you are all selfish assholes who assume this land is for you to rape and pillage, leaving behind evidence of your being alive.
Good job.
You've officially ruined it for the rest of us.
I love nothing more than pulling into a campsite, in the middle of a beautiful grove, with a river bubbling through it, and finding the remains of some drunken party, and bud-light cans (and it is always some ghetto beer akin to bud-light). It makes me proud to be an american.
I would just like to ask one little thing, you who loves to litter, you have no problem packing that shit in, why in the good lords name, do you not PACK IT OUT?
Remember people, every "oh it's just one cigarette butt", "oh it's just one paper plate", or "it's just one broken beer bottle", adds up, and soon we will all be rolling in a pile of one anothers filth.
I don't want your filth, and I am not your mother, clean up after yourselves, or stay home and litter in your own backyard.
Good. We've got that cleared up. Enough of my pious preaching. Now, go hug a tree.

1 comment:

  1. My mom always had us pick up ten (or more) pieces of other people's garbage every time we camped or picnicked - with five of us, that was a lot! It's a tradition I'm passing on. It's sad that people are thoughtless about this and I LOVE that you jumped on a soapbox.
