Friday, April 15, 2011

i think i need to start a new blog reel

called: things i see whilst riding my bike.

it's going to be an interesting one.

i never realized there were such unique and interesting characters in ogden. people should ride bikes more often , it really connects you with the world

for instance yesterday,

while crossing the road,

i saw a man.

in a gas mask.

giving me the finger.

i rode by him very quickly....sometimes it's just better to look at the ground and keep peddling.

today i road the river parkway on my way to work. then, i fell off my bike in front of a car. very embarrassing.

sometimes you see the crazy person...sometimes you are the crazy person.

also yesterday, we took this little bear climbing for the first time.

she'll be the next lynn hill. i just know it.

1 comment:

  1. You make me laugh. :D
    p.s...I *miss* my bike. My coccyx still feels broken and I'm told it could take years. I may never ride again and it breaks my heart. So, if you write another blog, I will live vicariously through you. ;)
