Saturday, February 18, 2012

terror in tiny town

don't let the sweet belly and ears fool you, she is a monster.
thus far she has chewed: k's slippers, her own kennel door, my computer power cord, barbies hand, my kitchen table legs, purple chalk, green chalk, my hair, and finally her own toys.
her newest favorite thing is to climb into baskets of laundry fresh from the dryer, and talk shit to bear from underneath the ottoman. holy terror.
we are desperate to house train her, but she seems unwilling to go out and tinkle in the cold weather, she prefers the carpet.
but, she is so cute, and how can you stay mad at such a face? you can't. i've tried.

1 comment:

  1. You should have a baby-they're easier :)

    Shes a doll, can't wait to meet her!
