Thursday, February 2, 2012

this weekend he turns 30

oh god, oh god, oh god.

he actually seems to be taking it very well. the hyperventilation and panic attacks are mine alone. it seems i am not great at handling the getting older situation. mine or his. but, as he readies for adulthood-because in my mind this is when adulthood starts, twenties are just an extension of teenagerdom with more money, and less parental guidance-i reflect on our time together.

many of you may not know, although many of you probably do since my followers consist mainly of my family and friends....all 16 of you...kaleb and i met when he was a baby, 21, but in man-terms that is a baby. he was a snowboarder who spent the summers in alaska. he made me laugh, and didn't seem too concerned with the idealism of a traditional lifestyle. we've been together ever since. that's 8 years fools. that in and of itself is pretty impressive, if we were a Hollywood couple we'd be iconic.

anyway, when he turned 22 i gave him a wallet. my first ever gift to a man. other boyfriends i had the foresight to dump before their birthday. giving bad presents isn't my style. but, kaleb was cute, and had long hair, and wore flannel, and i had just met him, so i gave him a gift.

we've lived in different two different states, climbed, worked in alaska, run rivers, got married, climbed, bought and sold houses, lived in a trailer for the soul purpose of traveling and climbing, hiked mountains, camped in winter storms, fly-fished, snowboarded, surfed, raised a puppy,'s been a pretty good 8 years,

i feel like we made the most of his twenties (not mine, i still have a few years) and while his hair is shorter, and maybe there isn't quite as much anymore, he still wears flannel, he's even cuter, he still makes me laugh, he's my best, funnest friend, and i'm looking forward to what his thirties bring us. as he's still not all that concerned about a traditional lifestyle.

happy birthday husband.
i love you very much.

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