Thursday, May 3, 2012

birthday week

so, as i get older, and it becomes more and more traumatic, i've decided to make my birthdays last longer. a transition period if you will. also, i really like when people hang around and tell me i'm beautiful and amazing and give me presents. so, i've slowly grown over time from having a single birthday day, into a couple of days, then a handful and now a week. my sisters graduation on saturday is putting a damper on the weekend. but, since it is her college graduation, i guess i can let it slide this year. although, i'm pretty sure she scheduled it simply to fuck with my birthday week...attention hog.
so to kick off the celebrations last weekend k, richard and i went to indian creek. i'm beginning to think i have some pretty good karma, totally undeserved of course, because indian creek was once again ours for the taking. i was slightly depressed, as any woman turning 27 can rightfully be. i'm getting old fool. but, nothing kicks a depression like fingers and hands in a crack, and two good-looking men. because my camera is now, officially, unusable there are no pictures.
then with my real and actual birthday falling on a tuesday (that was may 1st for any of you trying to do the math) i had dinner with my dearest family. i like that very much, and as a interesting side note, i am now part of the kindle crowd. i am aware if you know me at all in real life, you have heard my long winded rampages about how the kindle is killing books, and i like the feel of a real book in my hands, and so on. but, i like trees, and books are made from trees, and fuck it, i like the kindle so back off.
then last night, we went to see the black keys! my eardrums are burst, i danced for 2 hours, and they rocked my ass off. i'm a huge fan of live music. kaleb isn't a huge fan of crowds, so rarely we go to see live music. i hemmed and hawed over buying the tickets. i heavily hinted i wanted to go. then exactly 2 hours before the doors opened i bought tickets, and i am oh so happy i did. i would like to point out one tiny thing i noticed last night. people were sitting during the concert, particularly the people sitting right below us. now, i am not one to judge. ok, i may judge sometimes, but, in my humble and always correct opinion sitting during a concert is lame. live music is an interactive experience. dancing is almost always required. i mean really, at least stand up, tap your foot, and sway slightly. i may have bashed them in the back of the head once or twice while i was rocking out. but, i say that is their fault, had they been standing, as proper concert etiquette states, they would have been slapped in the ass, and everyone likes a cute stranger slapping their ass.

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