Sunday, May 23, 2010

he who makes dinner and disasters

Yesterday we bought a trailer.

Seriously, this trip is actually happening. It is the most lovely little trailer, that only needs a few things to make feel like my own. We brought it home, and here it sits. Both houses, old and new, a past and a future.

As for the house house. Well, it is slowly becoming only walls and doors. Without all of my pretty little things, it doesn't seem so hard to leave. Although the idea that we are 7 days and counting from actually leaving, is still surreal. Scary, and overwhelming.

I tell myself that people do this all of the time. Leave. Without much thought, without much trepidation, and to places without much adventure. Yet, here I sit, on the verge of a great story, and I wonder where I will put my lamps in the meantime. I am truly a silly girl.