Monday, May 10, 2010

waking to a coffee explosion

We are back. Yes, it is true, we've gone on another (long overdue) climbing vacation. Two weeks in a row home makes a weekend away even sweeter. The weather was as good as unpredictable spring weather gets. And, the climbing, well, the climbing was spectacular.

Once again we went to the City of Rocks in Idaho. The drive lends itself to mini vacations. Camping rather than staying in the hotel. It was warm (I said) why not set up a tent.

We arrived early afternoon on friday, and no one was around. It was slightly overcast, and a bit windy. So we did a climb on the shady side of a rock. Somehow this always happens. An easy gear climb in which we summited. My first.

Back in the campground we were greeted by a large group of campers. All equally decked out in their $500 puffy jackets, and euro-vans. A lovely group. Whom needed all the space they could get. (no sense of solace there) and who were very concerned when my sweet dog stole their dogs ball. Gasp.

Saturday we went out to climb one of the funnest climbs I have done so far. It began with this slick, no holds, rotten granite, that was only a touch overhanging. The sequence through it was difficult to figure out, but possible, and included standing on a credit card thin crack, and holding on to the flat surface above. It was awesome. After taking a few huge pendulum swings I got it. Kaleb had led it with perfection. I have no idea how he does it.

Another few climbs in The City one of which I started to lead, then got really very scared and backed off. (what a cry baby). The wind picked up, and it started to rain. So, instead of freezing another night in our little tent, we went to a hotel.

Sunday was perfection. An early start and sunny day made us the only climbers in the area. A quick warm-up and Kaleb was in prime shape. A crimpy 5.11b. A gear climb that was an adventure in controlling my anxiety, and two pitches of a jug haul. Made the day.

But, let me begin with the gear climb. It was said to be a 5.10a in the first pitch, and a 5.8 in the second. Where the beta failed was in the 60 feet of unprotected off-width, and a traverse to that little 5.8 crack. I watched as my husband climbed all 60 feet, rope dangling below him, one cam, and I, were the only things that would (hopefully) keep him from hitting the ground. But this off-width was different, it was a totally disconnected piece of rock. So, imagine if you will, K standing on top of a spire, 60 feet of rope out and if he fell, it would be off the other side, the rope simply running down the space between the rocks, and not catching him until it yanked me in half. Him possible hitting the ground, or the wall, but definitely breaking his legs. That was what I was imagining, and I was already a good 60 ft off the deck. Luckily, with ego still intact, my husband decided the risk was not worth it, and backed off.

Happy Mothers Day, to both our mothers, our gift to you, our simple survival. Thank you for bringing us into this world, and standing to watch as we do dangerous things. We love you.

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