Thursday, January 27, 2011

somedays sun, snow, and friends are all you need

Yesterday the clouds hung low over the city, dense with moisture and pollution. It snowed the day before, and rather than wiping the valley clean, it exposed all her dirty secrets.

The mountains rose above it. Through a filtering canyon, and up winding roads, the air grew clean, and the sun shined. It was one of those days that makes you appreciate being alive. It turns your face to the sun to bask in the winter warmth.

It was a day where snowboarding felt like flying.

In a community as small as this, on a mountain that feels vast, good friends tend to congregate. Without calls, without plans, without any notice, we meet, smiling, happy with each others company, happy with life. I find it amazing that there are that many of us that can get together on a Wednesday morning. Like life, jobs, kids, and responsibility stop during a powder day.

Or maybe, we have a better understanding of life. Somehow have become smarter than the rest of the population. We gained the knowledge to know that these type of days are worth living for. Or, they are what makes life.

Thank you friends. Yesterday was amazing. I am happy, and sore, and filled up with life.

**the photos are very small, and courtesy of Wes Belt. if i were technologically savvy i'd enhance them, as they do not do the day justice.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

ogden is not tahoe

there are good things about living in ogden. but, alas there are also some improvements that could be made. today it became glaringly obvious that ogden is not a climbing mecca. sigh.

the reasons are 3 fold.

1. the approaches.
i begin with this, because, well that is how all climbs begin. ogden approaches can put hair on a mans chest. unfortunately, i am not a man. so, i am left stumbling over boulders as large as i, on a steep slope, whilst trying my little heart out to not completely lose it. some places think trail systems are a good way to reach heights and crags. wussies. ogdenites know better, and hiking here makes trails look like a pre-school.

2. the climbs.
it could be assumed that after all that scrambling the climbs would be worth it. that would be a wrong assumption. the climbs are chossy. and holds tend to pull out. and they are greasy. but, again, it makes for interesting (albeit totally frustrating) climbing.

3. the decent.
that's right folks, after the hike, after the climb, and after some swearing, there is.....the walk down. if it appeared difficult to scramble up a scree slope, while rocks move and fall, wait until the you try to go down the same slope. it's like skiing, in hiking boots, on dangerous terrain.

but, once you've down this type of climbing, hiking, and descending a few times, you get use to it. the best part, is that it makes all other approaches seem casual, and all other climbing amazing.

so. i guess i ought to thank ogden, it has made me a better climber.

Friday, January 21, 2011

friday afternoons

some days it feels just lovely to waste the entire day wandering the mountainside.

we walked up north facing slopes, along ice filled paths. k inquired if it was possible for me to not look so clumsy.

it was in fact not.

we chose a path leading away from the valley, and toward a more pointy place.
it is decidedly certain that bear is a wild little thing, and the shutter speed on my camera is not quick enough.

living at my parents house has its benefits. along with coffee and conversation i get to see this little piece of perfection on mondays and fridays.

totally worth it.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

two second signal

I got a ticket.

This hasn't happened in a very long time. Minus parking tickets, which I collect like other people collect stamps.

In North Ogden the crime is down around 1%, the tax rate up around $200,000, and the police have very little to do. So, they hide in bushes and pounce whenever someone sneezes improperly.

I have a theory that they hire paunchy, middle aged men, in glasses, with napoleon complexes and bullied histories. I have this theory because that is the man that pulled me over.

So, boys and girls, what you ask, did I get my ticket for. Well, I will tell you. Failure to signal for 2 seconds.

So, North Ogdeners, you can feel safe at night knowing there is a cop out there counting clicks on turn signals. Let's all breath a sigh of relief.

I was trying to keep the situation light. Laughing as he said I didn't signal "oops, sorry officer-- bear stop licking the man--go ahead, and give me my warning, and I'll continue on my merry way" He didn't give me a warning, he gave me a ticket.


So, now I will appear in front of a judge, try to fight this arbitrary ticket, which may be awkward as I also try to get out of a parking ticket. In the same city. Around the same time.

I fully intend on losing.

Monday, January 10, 2011

a few places i miss


I've been feeling a little melancholy as of late, and I've been thinking alot about my past. I think something about winter, or having little to do during waking hours, does that to a person. My mind has been jumping 10 years; 6 years; and to 4 months ago. I'm beginning to think it's a shame I can only live one life, as I would be much better suited for multiple lives, and over multiple centuries (I may as well go crazy with the idea). One here, living in this place I love so much, with people I love so much. The rest would be spread across countries and time, I however, would remain the same person. It's a nice thought. Unfortunately, that sort of thing only exists in poorly written novels and movies.

I guess my new goal is to make this life one I'm happy to live. So far, it's working.

Update on the job front: I'm conflicted. I have one opportunity that would be a nice fit, a proper choice and will lead to years of pretty clothes and desk-ness. Another that is climbing. Now kiddos, the climbing is clearly the better fit. But, I may not have that one.

If nothing else, last summer taught me that what I need to be happy is very little, and has nothing to do with pretty clothes.

Fact: K was filling out a form, the form asked if we were homeless. There was not a box for: adult people, living in parents basement. I think all forms need to be reprinted.

**editors note: I have been playing around with grammar. Previous posts have been in all lower case, I am aware of this, and am not a grammatical ignoramus. This post did not feel right, stylistically, in all lower case. We shall see what the future brings. Be aware that I am typing with intention.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

good things in idaho

we drove in, through crisp air, and rolling hills. the perfect flat of fields meeting wilderness boundaries in symmetrical lines. it's amazing how good it feels to be back on the road, to leave utah, and once again follow rivers.

lava, a town out of a story book. the streets are long narrow ice skating rinks, and the shops sell shiny rocks.
k picked the fanciest hotel in town. the shabby red carpet, and old staircase reminded me of a victorian mansion. i walked around pretending i was elizabeth bennet for two days.
we snowboarded at pebble creek, a mountain that claims to have the best french fries in the west, they did not disappoint.
next time, we will take cross country skis. those un-tracked fields beg me to explore the rounded hills, nothing can remain unblemished for long.