Sunday, January 23, 2011

ogden is not tahoe

there are good things about living in ogden. but, alas there are also some improvements that could be made. today it became glaringly obvious that ogden is not a climbing mecca. sigh.

the reasons are 3 fold.

1. the approaches.
i begin with this, because, well that is how all climbs begin. ogden approaches can put hair on a mans chest. unfortunately, i am not a man. so, i am left stumbling over boulders as large as i, on a steep slope, whilst trying my little heart out to not completely lose it. some places think trail systems are a good way to reach heights and crags. wussies. ogdenites know better, and hiking here makes trails look like a pre-school.

2. the climbs.
it could be assumed that after all that scrambling the climbs would be worth it. that would be a wrong assumption. the climbs are chossy. and holds tend to pull out. and they are greasy. but, again, it makes for interesting (albeit totally frustrating) climbing.

3. the decent.
that's right folks, after the hike, after the climb, and after some swearing, there is.....the walk down. if it appeared difficult to scramble up a scree slope, while rocks move and fall, wait until the you try to go down the same slope. it's like skiing, in hiking boots, on dangerous terrain.

but, once you've down this type of climbing, hiking, and descending a few times, you get use to it. the best part, is that it makes all other approaches seem casual, and all other climbing amazing.

so. i guess i ought to thank ogden, it has made me a better climber.

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