Monday, January 10, 2011

a few places i miss


I've been feeling a little melancholy as of late, and I've been thinking alot about my past. I think something about winter, or having little to do during waking hours, does that to a person. My mind has been jumping 10 years; 6 years; and to 4 months ago. I'm beginning to think it's a shame I can only live one life, as I would be much better suited for multiple lives, and over multiple centuries (I may as well go crazy with the idea). One here, living in this place I love so much, with people I love so much. The rest would be spread across countries and time, I however, would remain the same person. It's a nice thought. Unfortunately, that sort of thing only exists in poorly written novels and movies.

I guess my new goal is to make this life one I'm happy to live. So far, it's working.

Update on the job front: I'm conflicted. I have one opportunity that would be a nice fit, a proper choice and will lead to years of pretty clothes and desk-ness. Another that is climbing. Now kiddos, the climbing is clearly the better fit. But, I may not have that one.

If nothing else, last summer taught me that what I need to be happy is very little, and has nothing to do with pretty clothes.

Fact: K was filling out a form, the form asked if we were homeless. There was not a box for: adult people, living in parents basement. I think all forms need to be reprinted.

**editors note: I have been playing around with grammar. Previous posts have been in all lower case, I am aware of this, and am not a grammatical ignoramus. This post did not feel right, stylistically, in all lower case. We shall see what the future brings. Be aware that I am typing with intention.

1 comment:

  1. Pick a place to use as a base. All wandering people have a spot. If you get a box and Mail Boxes, etc. you can have them forward the mail to you where ever you go.
    I did finally figure out how to get back into this. So I'll be commenting from time to time. Say hi to K and when you feel melancholy, have a beer and listen to some good music.
