Sunday, January 16, 2011

two second signal

I got a ticket.

This hasn't happened in a very long time. Minus parking tickets, which I collect like other people collect stamps.

In North Ogden the crime is down around 1%, the tax rate up around $200,000, and the police have very little to do. So, they hide in bushes and pounce whenever someone sneezes improperly.

I have a theory that they hire paunchy, middle aged men, in glasses, with napoleon complexes and bullied histories. I have this theory because that is the man that pulled me over.

So, boys and girls, what you ask, did I get my ticket for. Well, I will tell you. Failure to signal for 2 seconds.

So, North Ogdeners, you can feel safe at night knowing there is a cop out there counting clicks on turn signals. Let's all breath a sigh of relief.

I was trying to keep the situation light. Laughing as he said I didn't signal "oops, sorry officer-- bear stop licking the man--go ahead, and give me my warning, and I'll continue on my merry way" He didn't give me a warning, he gave me a ticket.


So, now I will appear in front of a judge, try to fight this arbitrary ticket, which may be awkward as I also try to get out of a parking ticket. In the same city. Around the same time.

I fully intend on losing.


  1. Wow. I didn't even remember the 2 second rule applied for anything outside of the kitchen. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. I completely understand. As a person who has received a ticket in North Ogden for stopping with my front wheels in front of the stop sign line, instead of behind. Mind you, there was a shrub the size of Texas blocking my view to the street I was turning onto. I was informed that one must stop behind the line, then slowly pull over the stop sign line if my line of sight is blocked, come to a full stop again, then make the turn onto my selected street. Look at the bright side- at the end of all of this- you will have learned a valuable 200 dollar lesson in driving safety.
