Monday, January 9, 2012

i'm back

after months of "borrowing" our neighbors --spotty at best-- internet, and tethering to my phone--thanks t-mobile for removing that option (dicks)--we have finally, officially, installed our very own interweb connection. i also locked it with a 13 digit password of various random numbers, letters, and signs, (so there, all you with locked internet, go ahead try to figure out my password) and i will be back to the blogging here in no time at all.
there may be a few other obstacles in my way, such as the fact that my camera doesn't take the best pictures now that the lens is scratched. however, husband received a fancy gopro camera for christmas, and now has hours of climbing video for me to edit. i didn't think this gift through very well. my training in video editing consists of knowing how to download the entirety of the raw footage onto my hard drive.
good thing i now have the internet, i'm sure somewhere out there is a training video...........right?

i've missed you, let's get back together.

1 comment:

  1. T-mobile didn't take my tethering option away!!! I must rule. If you want to talk video editing sometime you just let me know. Premiere, Vegas, Lightwave whatevers your poison. I want to see some of these damn climbing videos on youtube toot sweet!
