Friday, March 26, 2010

600 ft, 10 bolts

The hike in was pretty casual, a simple walk along a river bottom, followed by 1200ft of scrambling.

Ok, so maybe not that simple.

The climb however, was amazing. See those tiny nubs at the very top of that mountain, that is where we are going.

Kaleb looking down on me. The climb began to get to me, as i watched a loose carabiner fall, and fall, and fall, without any thought of stopping. below us, was not ground, it was a canyon, the ground doesn't really exist.
The tiny black spot, all the way at the very bottom of the picture. that is me

But we made it!

And kaleb untied and scrambled to the summit. registered our names, and looked out over the beautiful valley. I refused to untie.

Once down again, we thought it time for a beer, and a bit of a celebration

The hike out was really casual.

an approach that took us up 1200 ft, pretty casual, and the sand dune we climbed was crumbing, even as we climbed it.
first pitch 1 bolt, 200 ft, i'm tied to a tree.

the second pitch was better protected. 200ft 4 bolts and one piece of bad gear.

the third pitch 100 ft. 1 bolt

the forth 100 ft. 2 bolts

the fifth 70 ft. 1 bolt.

the accent free, untied, and scrambled.

It was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. and one of the happiest days of my life.

....and that loose carabiner, well, it landed a mere 3 feet from our haul bag. divine intervention? or interesting coincidence?

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