Monday, March 8, 2010

climbing in the snow......again

Another day, another climbing adventure. I must say, I will be happy when these stop including, snow, rain, and below freezing temperatures. But until then, the climbing continues in snow, rain, and below freezing temperatures.

City of rocks, a classic, a favorite, a very short drive. This time, it seems, we drove to opposite weather, as it was raining in O-town. And I'm getting smart people, I packed enough clothes for everest. But somehow, by grace, we ended up in the sun. An entity missed by me for some time now. However, snow still packed the trails, and later it snowed, (someone is showing me exactly who is boss)

The group included Kaleb, I, and Ben, an awkward three, especially later, in the almo restaurant, when the waitress asked K, with some disdain, "oh, is this your wife?"

back off honey, i'm meaner than i look

Anyway, climbing...that's what i was talking about. So, ben started us out on a gear lead, with all his brand new gear. very exciting. Then K did a quick 10c.

and (this is the most exciting part) i onsight led that same 10c! I've been working on leading climbs, and i've gotten some down. but this was my first hard lead, that i've onsighted and killed it, may i add. It was pretty awesome. Ben managed to accidentally get some really good video, and if my tech skills increase dramatically very soon, i will post it.

then it started snowing.

i was not pleased.

two more climbs and a couple of stern looks later, it was time to drink.

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