Tuesday, April 6, 2010

3 day climbing binge = total satisfaction

Ahh....the delights of camping in April. A group of good friends, good weather, and better climbing. Team crush was in top form as everyone came along for the ride. Ryan, Mike and Beverlee, Jen and Ben. The sun was shining, (even more lovely an idea now that there is 6 new inches of snow in northern ut) And there is red sand in everything. Still.

Desert limestone, the beauty, the perfection, the pain (that stone just eats fingers)

Kaleb on a 12a. His ability and beauty astonishes me more every time we climb. This day, this beautiful Sunday on the turtle wall, he once again made me stand in amazement.

The weekend was another successful climbing trip in the desert. In fact, it may be one of the best we've had. Although, it seems, each trip becomes better then the last. The excitement only becomes more so.

The limestone was perfection. We went out to a new wall in Whoville Desert. The joshua trees were straight from a Dr. Sues story. And with each turn and each hill we only become more lost in it. We found a sport crag without a soul on it. I led a few quick 5.9s and then jumped on a 11b K led. What an amazing climb, roof after roof greeted me. and I only become more entranced with it. What an amazing climber my husband.

Saturday led us to the limestone again. The climbing was technical, with tiny handholds, but the footwork, made the climb.

Then sunday on that red sandstone sport cliff. The easiest climb was a 10c. so no leading for me. But K killed it. As did the rest of team crush. Miss Bevee included, making a nearly flawless ascend.

Driving back from Southern Utah is just depressing. Leaving the 65 degree sunny skies, for the cold, wet, snowy conditions of O-town. But, alas, we must, until this house sells and we can climb everything we can touch.

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