Monday, December 20, 2010

i'm feeling a bit grumpy this morning

it's been awhile since i've felt the sun on my face; worked my muscles into submission; or donned my harness. the joy of my summer travel is fading with my tan, and i am slowly losing sight of myself.

i have said before, (am i being redundant?) that the transition back to reality is a bumpy one. i think it would be easier if i had a goal, or somewhere to be, but i don't. i feel disconnected with reality, with my body, and with my sweet husband.

i think that may be the hardest part.

we were once a team, inseparable, very literally catching one another. but, now we part. he goes to the mountain, and i go to yoga. i guess this is how other couples live, each going their own way and coming together at the end of the day. many think spending an infinite amount of time together is a form of torture, likened to having fingernails pulled, or listening to nickelback*.

i don't.

i've always liked spending endless amounts of time with my husband. we did it while in alaska. living in a single room, in a single bed. we've done it every winter. we did it this summer.

i may just be having one of those type of days. the clouds are low, the sky is dark, and my mood emulates.

maybe it has nothing to do with k. he is really an innocent bystander.

maybe it is my dismal search for employment. i've never really had trouble finding jobs, maintaining yes, but finding no. (i become bored easily. perhaps you've noticed). i think that is why i write. it is the only thing that keeps my interest.....hmmm if only i had a degree.....or could somehow make people read my work.


i am grumpy. you've been warned.

*side-note: nickelback is heinous. i just wanted to make that clear.

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