Friday, December 31, 2010

on the final day of 2010

well kids, it's been quite the year. one full of movement, happiness, and blogging. i never could have imagined, at the beginning of the year, that my life would take me the places it has.

as i sit in my parents front room, listening to the sounds of my mother in the kitchen, i still maintain selling my house was one of my best decisions. the six months i spent living in a trailer with k, climbing everyday, seeing new places, touching the earth, were indescribably amazing.

2010 brought my sister home from the philippians, gorgeous and wonderful as ever. it showed me faces i never imagined i'd see again, and took away some i wasn't ready to part with.

there has been ups and downs. wrong roads, wrong climbs, sore muscles, and blistered feet. laughter, wine parties, music filling the trailer, dancing under the stars, brits, hippies, a whole lotta love, and sometimes a shower.

i hope i've also grown as a person, become more thoughtful, more loving, calmer, and logical.

i am excited to see what 2011 brings.

happy new year friends.

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