Friday, March 18, 2011

2 a.m wake-ups

my wonderful and darling elder sister is here. and she brought her 3 children.

they don't like me.

normally i'm pretty good with kids, i teach a climbing class to kids, i have other nieces that think i'm the greatest (they think kaleb is greater, but that's another story).

these particular children, however, just scream when i come near. a task that happens oft as we are all staying in the same abode. and with the logistics of this housing situation, we are very close. let me give you an idea.

i live in the basement. the babes room is also in the basement. the other room (in which my sister sleeps) is upstairs. the babes like to wake-up, in the throughs of a fit, at 2 a.m. i am the nearest adult. i pick them up. they scream louder. i take them up to my sisters room, and drop them like hot potatoes on her bed.

fun filled nights for auntie bonnie.

then, it happens again. (remember 3)

so, as a person without children, and one who is use to getting an uninterrupted 10 hours of sleep, these middle of the night wake-up calls are rough. very rough. and when i come up for coffee, i am in zombie state until the pot is empty. unfortunately the little kiddies wake up full of zest and energy, and little hooves are stomping the floor above my head.

how this happens after a scream filled night is a mystery. how they are not completely horse is another mystery. but the biggest mystery of all is how my sister manages to remain sane. i would be on a cocktail of drugs, doused in a cocktail.

so, for now, i think this will remain my only child. he likes sleeping in.

1 comment:

  1. That's a rough intro to parenthood...If I were your sis and my kids did that to you, they would sleep on the floor of the same room I was staying in the next night. Seriously.
