Thursday, March 3, 2011

whilst reading pride and prejudice

I realized I will never be a great writer.

I think I'm ok with that.

At one point in my life I think I wanted to be a great writer, be inspiring to others, be read over again, only getting better each time. Currently I am not in at that stage, never will I be. Somethings come in hard truths don't they? I just need to remind myself that this is JANE AUSTIN we are talking about, I mean really, Austin, Hemingway, Thoreau, Eyre, these people are writers, (sorry Stephanie Meyer, you are in fact not) So, here is my new goal, make you, my friends, smile, I conclude it is a pretty good one.

In other news, yesterday I got my very first piece of climbing equipment for free. That's right kiddies, I'm a movin' up. Also, it came from the petzel man himself. Pretty sweet. So, I am an owner of a shiny new harness. It looks like I'll have to amp up my climbing, I'm heading toward the big leagues.

Pretty fancy, no?

Also, I have put yet another offer in on a house, wish me luck.