Monday, August 29, 2011

air time

changes are happening. i can feel it.
and since facing challenges head-on makes me nervous, i went climbing.
funny how that works.
i can look up at a climb, and feel the butterflies of anticipation, and a little hesitation, but i like it. when life throws me a challenge, i tend to maneuver around it. give myself space from it, do some yoga and think about it, and climb.
climbing has a way of clearing things up. hanging on the end of a rope, 50, 60, 1000ft in the air, really puts everything in perspective.
dear newest life crisis,
you will be dealt with later, when you seem less intimidating, for now, i will avoid you, and climb around you. i've done it with harder things, i have a knack for finding the less difficult route.

we went and did something we haven't done in a very long time.
we climbed in the canyon.
and i must say, it was amazing.

meet richard.
we climbed with him for the first (and hopefully not the last) time.
if you currently are, or will someday will become my friend, you will be on this blog.

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