Monday, February 15, 2010

because valentines day is useless

because we heart each other



inside the crack

k- placing gear

Climbing in the big Id was a blast. The weather reporter was faulty in his prediction, as the weather was overcast (read: not sunny) and about 34 (read: not warm). When we left Ogden however, we had high hopes because it was gorgeous here, then about the Idaho border we drove into a massive fog bank. great.

But, Adrienne and Andrew were upbeat about it, and though I felt partially to blame (for the weather?) they seemed to think it wasn't our fault at all.

We began the day on Big Time a 4 pitch climb, but the first three were easy 5.7's, the final being a 5.10 trad route. This was an eye opening experience for me, as normally I am so deathly afraid of heights that any mention of multi-pitch begins an automatic anxious reaction. But since this was an easy route, I even led the second pitch. A huge step.

Funny story: as we had just finished the forth pitch, and K was belaying Andrew up, we noticed another group very close behind. Now, let me just reiterate, it wasn't beautiful weather, thus, choice in climbs were many. This group decided the climb for them was exactly the same climb we were on. In the climbing community etiquette is very important, it is what keeps us from becoming a bunch of, well, asses. This man clearly had none. And as he climbed literally over the top of me, and his rope dragged along my legs, I had an unrelenting urge to give it just a little tug, resulting in him tumbling down. a lovely image. We were pissed, but getting into a fight at 300 feet is a bit complicated. So instead, we slashed his tires when we got back to the parking lot. (or at least imagined it)

A quick side note. Adrienne is Martha Stewart and brought bread pudding, white chocolate sauce and raspberries! Oh Adri, you are the greatest.

After dessert we went to the city of rocks and busted out a few more climbs at sunset. Andrew, quite the gangster, led a runout 5.10, with bolts so far apart you could park a semi. Killed it. K lead a wet, snowy 10d, add water and I think it jumps a grade so we give it an 11. Killed it. And it was one of the funnest climbs I've ever top-roped. Totally interesting, and fantastic footwork.

All in all, it was a good day, and guys, we need to do it again soon!

in other news, it is now sleeting snowy rain in ogden. lovely.

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